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Driver four times legal limit

An electrician was banned from the road after he was caught driving with four times the legal blood-alcohol limit.David Dey, 40, from Hamilton Parish, was arrested at around 3.30am on May 7 by officers on mobile patrol.Crown counsel Tawana Tannock said Dey was driving north on Par-la-Ville Road when officers pulled him over.When he stepped out of the vehicle, the officers noticed that he appeared unsteady on his feet and his breath smelled of alcohol.Asked if he had been drinking, he told the officer that he had two beers.The officers arrested Dey on suspicion of driving while intoxicated.An alco-analyser test at Hamilton Police Station showed he had 328mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood four times the legal limit of 80mg.On Friday Dey pleaded guilty to driving with an excess of alcohol.He apologised to the court and told Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner: “It was a stupid thing I did.”Mr Warner banned Dey from driving all vehicles for one year and fined him $1,000.