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Ian Kawaley to be next Chief Justice

Ian Kawaley to be next Chief Justice

Puisne Judge Ian Kawaley is to succeed Chief Justice Richard Ground on his retirement next year.Governor Sir Richard Gozney made the announcement yesterday. “I convened an ad hoc judicial panel earlier this year to consider candidates for the position of Chief Justice.“On the recommendation of the panel, and after consultation with the Premier and the Leader of the Opposition in accordance with the Constitution, I am pleased to announce that Mr Justice Ian Kawaley will be the next Chief Justice of Bermuda, from April 1, 2012.”Mr Justice Ground will retire, after eight years’ service, on March 31, Sir Richard said. “Since his arrival in 2004 he has worked tirelessly on the standing of Bermuda’s Supreme Court, and therefore the Island’s standing, as a legal jurisdiction, which is a central component to Bermuda’s success in reinsurance and other businesses.“He and his staff have worked hard to clear a backlog of cases which he inherited on his arrival. When he leaves next year the Supreme Court will be stronger, I believe, thanks to all the steps taken under his leadership.“There will be other opportunities for his colleagues and friends to laud and applaud the Chief Justice in his final six months in the job. “I wish to start now by expressing my sincere gratitude to him for eight years of hard, honest work and straightforward, honest advice to Government House.”