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Jury member’s injury causes gun trial delay

(Photo by Mark Tatem)On trial: Gariko Benjamin

The trial of a man who is alleged to have fired a gun and then led police on a cross-island chase was unable to proceed on Friday.Puisne Judge Carlisle Greaves adjourned the case of Gariko Benjamin, 21, because a juror had an accident and needed hospital treatment.The Supreme Court trial opened on Thursday with prosecutor Garrett Byrne alleging that Mr Benjamin opened fire outside the residence of Jafari and Sadune Raynor in Overview Hill, Pembroke.Mr Byrne alleged that the defendant then stole a scrambler bike from their yard and led police on a high-speed chase to Somerset.At that point, Mr Benjamin is alleged to have threatened officers by indicating he was armed while saying: “You think you’re bad ‘cos you’ve got a gun. You’re not the only one that has a gun”.The defendant denies charges of possessing and unlawfully discharging a firearm and using threatening behaviour towards police. He further denies aggravated vehicle taking in relation to the scrambler bike, and riding it dangerously.The case is expected to continue today.