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CedarBridge, Berkeley students learn about the legal system

Public high school students are getting a preview of practicing law in Bermuda through a new summer programme.The Bermuda Education Network’s Law Springboard placed students with law firms or legal departments for a week to experience the profession.The programme was exclusively open to CedarBridge Academy and Berkeley Institute S2 and S3 students.Becky Ausenda, executive director of BEN, said: “Bermuda needs young people from all backgrounds to aspire to become lawyers.“We’re giving teenagers who may otherwise not have any contact with people in the legal profession a chance to connect with lawyers and observe their working day.”Students spent mornings shadowing lawyers and learning about the trial process and Bermuda’s legal system.They attended workshops on debating and witness examination in the afternoons at the Bermuda Insurance Institute.The week-long programme will culminate today with a mock trial at Conyers Dill & Pearman where the students will apply what they have learned.Each student will receive a $100 stipend after completing the programme.The Law Springboard joins BEN’s Math Springboard and London Internship programmes.Between the three programmes, BEN offers summer work shadow opportunities at more than 21 companies in Bermuda and London.