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Two year ban, $2,200 fine for hit-and-run driver

A 24-year-old man pleaded guilty in Magistrates’ Court for failing to stop after an accident and failing to provide a breath sample to police.Senior Crown counsel Carrington Mahoney told the court that Darrin Deshield failed to stop after hitting pedestrian Zena Francis as she crossed the road Tuesday night.Deshield was driving on Front Street when he struck Ms Francis at the junction of King Street. After failing to stop, Deshield continued driving, causing police to chase after him until he eventually pulled over at Trimingham Hill, Paget.He was arrested on suspicion of driving while impaired.According to Mr Mahoney, Deshield’s breath ‘smelled strongly of intoxicants’, and that the defendant refused to give a breath sample. The impaired driving charge was later dropped.After pleading guilty to both failure to stop after an accident and failing to provide a breath sample without good reason, Deshield offered an explanation for his actions.The defendant told the court that he thought he had hit a pot hole. He added that he would never intentionally not stop after an accident because his father was the victim of a hit and run.“That’s just not me,” Deshield said.Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner fined Deshield a total of $1100 for both offences, plus two years disqualification from driving all vehicles.Ms Francis was treated at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital for head and back injuries. She has since been released.