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Childminder faces jail over toddler death

Jennifer Franks faces up to three years in jail. (Photo by Mark Tatem)

A childminder faces up to three years in jail for endangering the life of a toddler who died in her care.Nasir Burgess, aged 18 months, was strangled in his playpen after he got an electrical cord from a nearby air conditioner wrapped around his neck on September 9 2011.Franks, 57, of Hill Crescent, Pembroke, admitted she left Nasir and two babies alone in her home at the time of the tragic incident.Prosecutor Carrington Mahoney said she left the house to pick up her daughter from work around 12.55pm, leaving the children in their playpens.She arrived home to the sight of Nasir's lifeless body, and called 911 around 1.42pm before rushing him to hospital in her car because she felt the ambulance was taking too long.The other children were unhurt.Franks was charged with manslaughter, which she denied, and her Supreme Court trial was due to begin today.However, she pleaded guilty to alternative charges of endangering the life of Nasir and the two babies by leaving them exposed to a situation where their lives were likely to be endangered or their health permanently injured.According to Mr Mahoney, she was only licensed to care for up to three children, yet was looking after five on the day in question.She took the others with her when she went to collect her daughter.Puisne Judge Carlisle Greaves ordered the jury in the case to return verdicts of guilty to the child endangerment charges, which have a maximum penalty of three years in jail.The manslaughter charge, which has a maximum punishment of life imprisonment, will lie on file.Franks was bailed to return to court on December 3, when a date for her sentencing will be set. She and Nasir's family declined to comment as they left court.