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Motorists banned for DUI

Two motorists who were separately caught in care of a vehicle while impaired found themselves banned from the roads for 18 months each.Magistrates’ Court heard that Andreas Palumbo, 21, of Sun Valley Road in Warwick, was arrested on March 21 at Green Bay Road, Hamilton Parish, after police responded to reports of a disturbance.A can had been seen driving away at high speed.Arriving at 11.30pm, police found a car parked close to the road’s entrance. Officers spoke with three men there.Palumbo approached and said he hadn’t been involved in any disturbance, but had come to pick up friends. However, he smelled of alcohol, and was arrested after he produced keys to the vehicle and went to get his driver’s licence.According to Crown counsel Georffrey Faiella, Palumbo told police: “I had about four drinks — but you didn’t see me driving.” He refused to give a sample of breath.Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner fined him $1,000, in addition to disqualifying Palumbo for a year and a half.And Paget resident Duayne Pedro, 31, received the same penalty for a March 18 offence.Police on patrol found him asleep at the wheel of a parked car outside the Ice Queen on South Shore Road in Paget.The keys were in the ignition, and turned to the “on” setting.Pedro, of Tribe Road No. Five, apologised to the court, and was given 30 days to pay the fine.