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Crown drops cocaine importation case

The trial of two men accused of conspiring to import cocaine ended abruptly yesterday after the Crown announced it did not intend to proceed.

Dennis Zuill 35, from Pembroke, and Dennis Thomas, 39, from Warwick, had both denied conspiring to import 500g of the controlled drug between an unknown date and July 27, 2012. Mr Thomas also denied misconduct as a person employed to deliver post on July 27, 2012.

A jury for their trial was selected on Tuesday and was scheduled to be officially sworn in yesterday morning, but before the jury entered the court prosecutor Susan Mulligan filed a ‘nolle prosequi’ regarding all three charges, meaning that the Crown had elected not to pursue prosecution at this time.

Puisne Judge Carlisle Greaves dismissed the defendants, but warned them that the Crown could decide to bring the matter back before the courts in the future.