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Court: biker gave false name

A 32-year-old Hamilton Parish man has been fined for providing a fake name to police following a traffic stop in the East End.

Odean Phillips was pulled over on a motorcycle on St David’s Road by police on June 17 over an expired registration sticker.

Magistrates’ Court heard that Phillips was cautioned by police over the unlicensed motorcycle and having no third-party insurance.

Court heard that Phillips responded: “This is not my bike and I wasn’t aware that it was not licensed.”

He also told police that his name was Dean Gibbons, court heard.

Further police inquiries later determined that Phillips have provided a false name.

While in custody he told police: “I’m sorry. I probably shouldn’t have lied.”

Magistrate Khamisi Tokunbo fined Phillips $500 for providing a false statement and a further $1,000 and two demerit points for operating a motor vehicle without insurance.

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