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Driver who fled shots tells court gunman’s bike hit his car

Supreme Court (File photograph)

A witness told the Supreme Court yesterday how he tried to flee the scene of a shooting – only for his car to be in collision with the gunman’s motorbike a few blocks away.

The witness said he diverted off Court Street on to Angle Street after he heard gunshots, but moments later his car was struck by a motorcycle at the junction of Angle Street and Union Street.

The witness added: “When the rider got up I could just about work out the complexion of the rider. He had some sort of mask on, something covering his nose and mouth.

“He unsuccessfully tried to lift the bike and I noticed there was a firearm in his hand.

“That was my reality check to get going.”

The witness said that on May 14, 2017, the day of the shooting, he had been working as a driving instructor.

He left the nearby Transport Control Department and was travelling south on Court Street when he heard a loud bang.

The witness added: “At first I thought it was a bike that backfired.

“I continued heading south. I got just about as far as Court Street Liquors and I head the sound again.

“At that point it registered to me it was not a bike back firing.”

The witness said after he realised the sounds were gunshots, he reversed his car, backed up to Till’s Hill and turned left on to Angle Street.

He added he turned on to Union Street and continued southward.

The witness said: “To my mind, I was away from the scenario and I was back to going home.”

But he added when he reached the intersection of Union Street and Elliot Street his car was struck by a man on a motorcycle who had come out of a nearby car park.

The witness said when he saw the bike approach he stopped his car and that it appeared the rider had applied its front brakes before the crash, but started to fall before the impact.

He added the bike struck his front bumper and reversed his car as the rider tried to lift the cycle.

But the witness said after saw the gun in the rider’s hand, he drove away.

He added he steered around the downed bike and continued south until he got to People’s Pharmacy on Parliament Street and called police.

The witness said most of the rider’s face was covered, but he saw and memorised the bike’s licence plate.

Jahmico Trott, 33, has denied charges of attempted murder, use of a firearm to commit an indictable offence and carrying a firearm.

He also denied allegations that he intimidated and attempted to corrupt a witness at Westgate prison.

The jury was also shown CCTV footage from the prison recorded on July 22, 2018 yesterday.

The footage showed Mr Trott in the administrative segregation area with a brush and a dustpan.

Mr Trott was seen to go to one of the windows that overlooked a recreational area at the prison at about 9.40pm.

The court heard the victim’s cousin – a witness to the shooting – was in the recreational area at the time.

Mr Trott appeared to talk to someone through the window for about 17 minutes, although the CCTV did not record any audio.

The defendant later emptied the dustpan and left the area, dropping the broom and the empty dustpan on the ground.

The trial continues.

•It is The Royal Gazette’s policy not to allow comments on stories regarding criminal court cases. This is to prevent any statements being published that may jeopardise the outcome of that case.