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Man denies knife possession and roads offences

A man yesterday denied possession of a folding knife and a string of road offences.

Enzi Mota-Ratteray, 20, pleaded not guilty in Magistrates’ Court to possession of the blade in Warwick in the early hours of yesterday.

He denied dangerous driving, refusal to stop for police and the use of fraudulent documents.

Mr Mota-Ratteray also pleaded not guilty to failure to have a driving licence and riding an unlicensed and uninsured motorcycle.

The road offences were alleged to have happened early yesterday in Paget.

Senior magistrate Juan Wolffe adjourned the case until January 24 and released Mr Mota-Ratteray, from Hamilton Parish, on $3,000 bail.

The court also heard that Mr Mota-Ratteray owed $1,140 in earlier traffic fines.

He was ordered to pay $250 before the end of the day but was given until January 28 to pay the rest.

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