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Bargain Hunters robber foiled with axe sentenced

A man who was chased out of a Sandys business with an axe has been sentenced to take part in a drug treatment court programme.

Stevon Swan-Richardson, 30, admitted trying to steal money from Michael Forde, owner of Bargain Hunters, when he appeared in Magistrates’ Court in September.

The court heard that Swan-Richardson, 30, entered the store on December 31 and ordered Mr Forde to fill a bag with cash while pointing another bag containing a “firearm-shaped object” at him.

Mr Forde wielded an axe during the attempted robbery, which caused Swan-Richardson to flee to a nearby nature trail.

Swan-Richardson was arrested for the offence in September and reappeared in court on Friday for sentencing.

Senior magistrate Maxanne Anderson said Drug Treatment Court “just may be what Swan-Richardson needs” and ordered that he observe the programme beginning on December 12.

Ms Anderson released Swan-Richardson on $3,000 bail until that time, but ordered that he provide proof of an address, attend the Hamilton Police Station every Tuesday and Thursday, and follow an 8pm-to-7am curfew.

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