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Man jailed for damaging woman’s car

A Devonshire man who admitted damaging the bonnet of a woman’s car was sentenced to six months behind bars.

Daquan Burgess, 26, pleaded guilty to causing $422 in wilful damage to a car in an incident in Pembroke on October 6, 2022.

Magistrates’ Court heard that Burgess had been found unsuitable for the Mental Health Treatment Court programme or a community sentence.

The Crown noted that Burgess had discharged himself from a treatment programme last year by leaving without permission, but that he would be able to reapply for admission in May.

While Burgess told the court he suffered from hallucinations, magistrate Maxanne Anderson said he needed to take his medication and accept treatment if he wished to stop committing offences.

“You are not compliant with your medications and clearly you are unsuitable for a community-based sentence,” she said.

“That kind of ties my hands. I have no options left but to sentence you to six months imprisonment with time served taken under consideration.”

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