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St George’s prowler remanded into custody

A man who prowled around a home in St George will be sentenced next month.

Stanley Davis, 57, admitted prowling at the residence on Water Street when he appeared in Magistrates’ Court yesterday.

The court heard that a man, who was not named, asked Davis what he was doing after seeing him on the property on Monday.

Davis, of no fixed address, then ran towards York Street.

However, the man caught up with him in Somers Garden and stayed with Davis until police arrived.

Davis told officers he would have stolen a bike from the property “if the wheels looked nice”.

Prosecutor Yanique Gardener-Brown highlighted Davis’s numerous previous convictions, including for burglary, theft and assault, which date back to 1983.

Senior magistrate Maxanne Anderson ordered reports to be written for Davis and adjourned the case to June 27 for sentencing.

Davis was remanded into custody until that time.

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