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Murder trial jury visits route of suspected gunmen

The jury in a double murder trial last week visited the routes a police inspector believed two gunmen took before and after a shooting in a Pembroke restaurant.

Jurors examined several Pembroke roads, including Richmond Road and Serpentine Road, to see where it was thought two suspected gunmen travelled by motorcycle before and after a shooting at the Robin Hood Pub and Restaurant.

The Royal Gazette was not permitted to attend the site visit. But it followed the paths that Detective Sergeant Mark Raposo suspected the two gunmen — one of whom the Crown asserts to be Syhon Akinstall — travelled.

Mr Akinstall, 22, has denied the murder of Ayinde Eve and Micah Davis, as well as the attempted murders of Troy Eve Burgess and Derrick Golding, a police sergeant.

He also denied four counts of the use of a firearm to commit an indictable offence, namely the alleged murders and alleged attempted murders.

The incident was alleged to have happened at the Robin Hood in Pembroke on October 26, 2021.

Mr Raposo earlier told the jury that he collected CCTV footage from several residences and public places in Pembroke as part of his investigation.

He added that upon visiting a person of interest living near Crossland Lane, he discovered two Nolan helmets, empty Clorox bottles and a black Honda SH motorcycle at a derelict house on the road.

The trial continues.

• It is The Royal Gazette’s policy not to allow comments on stories regarding criminal court cases. This is to prevent any statements being published that may jeopardise the outcome of that case.

UPDATE: this article has been corrected in the third paragraph to show that it is the Crown that asserts Mr Akinstall was one of the gunmen