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Woman who used false gift card given discharge

A woman who purchased a gaming console with a fraudulent gift card was given a conditional discharge in Magistrates’ Court.

Zaenazja James, 22, admitted stealing store credit from The MarketPlace, her former employer, by using a gift card without the store’s consent when she appeared in Magistrates’ Court last month.

She also admitted buying a $698 PlayStation 5 with the fraudulent card and appeared in court yesterday for sentencing.

The court heard that James, from Sandys, rung up a $700 MarketPlace gift card in a cash register last December, but did not pay for it.

She used the card to purchase the console from PriceRite and was arrested for the offences one month later.

Magistrate Maria Sofianos highlighted that James committed the offence alone and cited a rise in court cases that involve people stealing from their employers.

Ms Sofianos also mentioned James’s social inquiry report, which showed a low risk of her reoffending.

She handed down a 12-month conditional discharge and ordered James to pay back $698 to The MarketPlace.

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