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Law graduates readying for pupillage programme

Kim Wilkerson, the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

A cohort of budding lawyers is being put together for a work-based learning scheme run by the Government through the Attorney-General’s Chambers.

The Ministry of Justice’s Pupillage Programme is preparing to put potential candidates through a second round of interviews, with one candidate already selected.

Kim Wilkerson, the Attorney-General and justice minister, said that the scheme was important for building a strong foundation for up-and-coming lawyers.

She added: “The pupillage programme is an essential initiative that nurtures legal expertise and ensures that Bermudians have access to the opportunities they need to build successful careers in the profession.”

The programme offers law graduates training in the ministry’s legal divisions, including work in the Attorney-General’s Chambers, the Department of Public Prosecutions and the Legal Aid Office.

It exposes graduates to the legislative drafting process and advisory work, as well as criminal and civil law.

The Pupillage Programme has had several success stories, including Denzelle Swan, a pupil who now works in the AG’s Chambers, and Lorendae Symonds, who helped to draft legislation for emergency Covid-19 payments.

The minister said that the programme was revitalised after a period of dormancy.

Ms Wilkerson encouraged aspiring lawyers to look out for opportunities to join the scheme.

She added: “The Government has worked diligently to ensure that this initiative remains available, allowing talented Bermudians to access the structured, high-quality training they need to qualify for the Bar.”

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Published February 11, 2025 at 12:56 pm (Updated February 12, 2025 at 5:35 pm)

Law graduates readying for pupillage programme

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