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Man accused of ‘hiding and transferring criminal property’

A man has been charged with 14 offences relating to drugs and criminal cash.

Stefan Brown-Darrell, 30, appeared in Magistrates’ Court this morning to face the accusations.

He was not required to enter a plea because the case must be heard in the Supreme Court.

Mr Brown-Darrell further waived his right to have the charges read aloud in court.

However, it is understood that he has been accused of hiding and transferring criminal property between January 1, 2020 and June 30, 2023, as well as refusing to comply with a police investigation on August 5, 2022.

It is also understood that Mr Brown-Darrell has been charged with four counts of drug possession in an increased penalty zone, namely near John Smith’s Bay Park, and eight counts of possession of drug equipment.

Those offences were alleged to have happened on August 4, 2022, in Smith’s.

Magistrate Craig Attridge adjourned the case until the next Supreme Court arraignments session on May 1 and released Mr Brown-Darrell, from Smith’s, on $7,500 bail.

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