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‘Authentic’ Ciara Burrows joins Bermuda Bar

Journey’s end: Ciara Burrows, the newest member of the Bermuda Bar (Photograph supplied)

A woman distinguished by “authenticity and integrity” has been welcomed to the Bermuda Bar at a ceremony surrounded by family and supporters.

Ciara Burrows thanked her “global village” for support and encouragement over the course of her decade-long journey to the Bar, including a variety of legal and insurance firms who gave her scholarships.

The Bermudian lawyer graduated from the University of Waterloo, University of Southampton and BPP University in London.

She is in the middle of a two-year legal training contract with the international law firm Kennedys before being admitted as a solicitor in England and Wales.

Colleagues of Ms Burrows praised her hard work and character during the event last week, which was presided over by Chief Justice Larry Mussenden.

Cheryl Mapp, a lawyer, told the court: “All too often we senior members speak of how the young people are nowadays as we reflect on the past and in so doing express some concern about the future of our community and this honourable profession in particular.

“When I think of Ciara, however, I have no such doubts or reservations. She is anchored in faith in family and has developed a stellar work ethic, which is underpinned by her strength of character, which I both admire and respect.

“Life has not been without its challenges for Ciara but I firmly believe that challenges don't create character, they reveal it, and this is especially true of Ciara who has demonstrated through adversity."

Ciara Burrows, the newest member of the Bermuda Bar (Photograph supplied)

Elliott Hubbard, the group legal counsel for CG Insurance said that he had “lofty expectations” of Ms Burrows before she started her internship at the firm based on the feedback he had received.

“It’s safe to say that Ciara did not only meet those expectations, she far exceeded them,” he said.

“My primary observation of Ciara during the collective time of her employment with CG Insurance is that she maintained at all times, and indeed continues to maintain, a steadfast aura of authenticity and integrity.”

Mark Chudleigh, managing partner of Kennedys Bermuda, also extended his congratulations to Bermuda’s newest barrister,

“Ciara has completed an important part of her professional journey and is now putting her academic achievements into practice, working in the thriving London Insurance Market, steps away from Lloyd’s of London,” he said.

“I warmly congratulate Ciara on her elevation to the Bar and on passing this important milestone, the first of many that lie ahead as she starts out on what I am sure will be a successful and rewarding career in law.

“I look forward to seeing Ciara back in Bermuda when she is ready to return.”

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Published March 15, 2025 at 7:57 am (Updated March 15, 2025 at 7:50 am)

‘Authentic’ Ciara Burrows joins Bermuda Bar

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