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A punishing schedule

Head coach David Moore has tried to make his team's trip to Dubai as realistic as possible in preparation for the World Cup qualifiers in April.From taking the same flights, to staying in the same hotel, to undertaking a gruelling schedule of playing five matches in seven days, the team will certainly put through their paces during their 11-day stay.Even when they aren't playing, they will be training, with New Year's day the only rest day they will get for the duration of the tour.“What we've tried to do is take the same flights that we will be taking across (in April), to get the same accomodation, we're playing under the same tournament rules and we're playing under the same schedule,” said Moore.“We're trying to replicate everything as much as possible, so that those guys who come across, and go on to play in April, are fully aware of what's required.“There's no point going over there if we're not working on the similar sorts of schedules, because that's the whole purpose of it. We're trying to play as many games as we possibly can against the UAE, so that we can test ourselves.“There is no point going and playing against weak teams because we've got to be challenged and I've got to be able to see players, playing under pressure, and against tough opposition.”Bermuda's first game is against UAE on January 4, and you can follow all the action live on The Royal Gazette's website (www.royalgazette.com).We'll be providing live coverage of the tour, from the first ball to the last.