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Be warned Jacobi . . . the pressure's on you!

"If you are going to talk the talk, you better be able to walk the walk", that's the message St. George's wish to send to Somerset's captain Jacobi Robinson.

We in St.George's have been amused by Jacobi's remarks about our new captain Oronde Bascome.

Jacobi reminds me of Manchester United's coach Sir Alex Ferguson trying to play mind games prior to the big game, but we have news for you Jacobi, talk all you want because at the end of the day you are Somerset's weak link. Let the mind games begin!

Unfortunately for Jacobi he has confused his sports quite a bit. This is not a fighter's brawl where trash talking increases the big purse. If this is all you have as it relates to tactics then you have been stomped out, first ball.

St.George's' Oronde Bascome is mentally tough and your comments are no more than a trifling annoyance, with the characteristics of a little fruit fly that intermittently buzzes around with no intent or purpose, so we say, "shoo fly."

Can you handle the pressure of your promises to deliver the goods for now the third or fourth year?

Jacobi, the pressure really is on you to deliver the knockout punch. Bobbing and weaving will only get you the same result, so we look forward to an apology speech to the Somerset fans that needs little preparation as it will be similar to last year and the year before that, and the year . . .

Maybe this will be the last time that we hear this speech, because when you come up short again your reign at the helm will probably come to an end.

What team will Somerset pick?

The one thing I must admit is that they have quite a few all-rounders to pick from, which is always a bonus when trying to win the cup. However, as a team once Janeiro Tucker and Steven Outerbridge are out then the swing goes St.George's' way. When these two fail, Somerset fail. It is as simple as that.

For some reason everywhere I go, Somerset fans are asking with such enthusiasm, "What your boys gonna do"? Somerset fans feel that because we have a few injuries they will be able to pounce and devour. I need not run down the list of quality that we have to choose from as that might muffle your high expectations of your team.

St.George's fans are concerned by the injuries but they need not worry. We all know George O'Brien is injured and we wish him well, Stefan Kelly is injured, which is very unfortunate and Gregg Foggo is struggling with a slight hamstring strain, but is trying to recover in time.

At the end of the day let me reassure St.George's' fans that whatever team we produce come Saturday night, it will be a good enough team to win the cup.

This will be the first time in 20 years that Somerset will not have to worry about Charlie Marshall and myself. So often you hear Jacobi say if it weren't for Charlie and Clay we would hammer St.George's. Well we shall see this time around as our young guards are made of steel and are natural self believers.

Another player St.George's will sorely miss this year around is Glenn Blakeney who only last week came out to play his first game of the season. Glenn is a special talent and has destroyed Somerset on numerous occasions.

However, all this means is that a new younger player will come along and take over, someone like OJ Pitcher.

OJ is St.George's' answer to Somerset's Janeiro Tucker. This kid has tremendous talent and there is something about Cup Match. It acts like a catalyst for him and he rises to the occasion but that can be said of most of St.George's' players.

This year will be like no other for St.George's though, as we are forced to make four changes. Out from last year's team are Charlie Marshall, Landro Minors, Glenn Blakeney and Stefan Kelly.

That is a lot of talent out of one team but we have adequate replacements. I am sure that come Saturday night there may be a few surprise faces in our team but whoever is selected will get the job done.

Words of advice, my mate Jacobi, the game is played on the field.

As we all know individual names do not win games and neither does sledging. What does win games is productivity on the field and being able to handle the pressures of playing in front of 5,000 people. Pressure makes some players raise their game while it makes other players crack.

At the end of the day I wish all the players vying for selection the best of luck. Only 11 can play but if I could give one word of encouragement to those on the outside looking in for selection I would say: "Pick yourself, do not leave it up to the selectors to pick you."

We are one week away from the classic and my only hope is that you, Bermuda, make the trip up to Somerset to create an atmosphere for the players. Yes, the players may play Cup Match but it is you the fans that make Cup Match. So I look forward to seeing a bumper crowd over the two days.

Regardless of the outcome, let cricket be the winner.