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Rangers appoint joint presidents

Ryan Belboda, left, has been appointed co-president at Southampton Rangers on an interim basis.Photo by Glenn Tucker

Gerri Saltus and Ryan Belboda have been appointed as interim joint presidents of Southampton Rangers.The pair were appointed to the post after former club president Randy Raynor was forced to resign last March.Raynor was asked to step down after a vote of no confidence by the club’s Board of Directors during a meeting at Southampton Rangers.Saltus and Belboda will now share duties as Rangers’ president on an interim basis until a permanent president is elected at the club’s next annual general meeting.It is understood Raynor was asked to leave after being blamed for the club’s poor financial standing and heavily criticised for his brand of leadership.The former Rangers and Somerset Cup Match pace bowler’s decision to back his club’s controversial boycott of last summer’s Western Counties competition also ruffled feathers at the South Shore club.Raynor, who has yet to return calls to this newspaper, succeeded John Tucker as Rangers president in 2008.Saltus and secretary Crystal Simmons are the sole surviving members from the previous executive at Rangers.