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Time for a change of national team skipper

First and foremost, let me say a hearty congratulations to Premier league champions Bailey’s Bay on a much deserved league title.It just goes to show that there are still clubs that are doing the right things when it comes to preparation and commitment. Stephen Outerbridge has moulded and shaped his team to be one unit and now he must be allowed to do the same with the Bermuda national team.With the season practically over the focus has to switch from domestic cricket to that of the national squad. The America’s region will be hosting the qualifiers here in Bermuda in April, 2013 and preparation must start now.A lot of pressure has been and will be put on the selectors in choosing the up and coming training squad. Should they announce a captain at the same time that they release the names of the training squad? This is the big question.My answer is yes, simply because the captain has to be instrumental in the build-up and build a relationship with his team. I encourage and urge the selectors and executives of Bermuda Cricket Board to do the right thing for Bermuda cricket and announce Stephen Outerbridge captain. There’s an old saying, “If you start right you will end right, and if you start wrong, you will end wrong”, so this is the first step towards starting off on the right foot.There is no secret that I’m a big fan of Stephen Outerbridge simply because he possesses the passion and love for the game that is needed for us to flourish and be successful. His drive for success will motivate others to drive towards that benchmark. His commitment to work with those at Bailey’s Bay that share his desire for success has proven that team unity, common goals, hard work, and dedication, and respect for each player’s strengths and weaknesses goes further than just working with the best talent.The players at Bailey’s Bay respect their leader and trust him wholeheartedly, which makes a tremendous difference when in the heat of a battle.As for the coaching staff and executives, choosing the right captain from the outset will allow the coach to do what he does best and the executives can concentrate on the administration necessary to prepare the team without unnecessary controversy surrounding the captaincy.Funding should be the number one priority for the executives and admin team, leaving the coach, captain and players to get on with their preparation without the added burden of worrying about those issues.Money has to be found, as the players will need to tour at least twice between November and April. Truthfully, I can’t see the training squad being any larger than a pool of 25. These players should be brought before the selection panel and asked face to face about their commitment level and dedication to the national programme.The training squad should come from those who can commit and are willing to adhere to the training regime put in place by the coaching staff. If the so called big name players can’t fully commit, then leave them out. This is a team, and team players have to be willing to do whatever it takes for their team to win, no matter what their role is.Teams win championships, not individual players. Hence, if a player isn’t willing to meet the demands of the team then let them be. Use the players that are hungry for success, that want to represent their country. I’m publically challenging the likes of Chris Douglas, Delyone Borden, George O’Brien, Jekon Edness and any other cricketer that hasn’t been a part of the national set up recently, to make themselves available for training and be dedicated and committed to the cause.With the captain in place and committed players training, the Cricket Board must do their part in assuring that the environment that these players have to train in is first class. During the winter a suitable outdoor facility is needed, we can’t just train indoors. The Board must also do their due diligence as it relates to ensuring players get the time needed off from work. Last minute requests are not an option if we want our best team to represent our country. Sort out all financial issues surrounding per diems, incentives, and wages and present it to the training squad at the very beginning so that players are not concerned about those issues while preparing.Personally, I would even go as far as suggesting that the players get representatives to sit down and hash out current and previous issues with the Cricket Board so that they don’t arise and hinder the team in moving forward. People like Albert Steede, Jeff Richardson, and Dexter Basden are a few former players that could be used as representatives for the team to put forward their ideas and concerns. Everyone involved have to work together to make this work. We can’t have players training or playing worrying about whether they are going to get paid or if they will have a job the next week, and we can’t have nonchalant players wasting the money that the Board has raised. Simple things such as player match fees needs to be discussed and put on the table early. I know these things may sound petty, but these are all things that have hindered us in the past and we need to learn from our past and not make the same mistake over and over.There is no doubt our boys will be under immense pressure to produce the goods on local soil come April, 2013. I encourage all parties to do their part, players, coaches and executives, as the slogan says together everyone achieves more (TEAM). Work together and not against each other and I have no doubt we can be victorious and gain promotion back into Division 2 where we rightfully belong.My training squad of 25: Steven Outerbridge (captain), Rodney Trott (vice-captain), Lionel Cann, Janeiro Tucker, David Hemp, Kamau Leverock, Tre’ Manders, Allen Douglas Jr, Treadwell Gibbons, Jason Anderson, Sinclair Smith, Jekon Edness, Delyone Borden, OJ Pitcher, Fiqrue Crockwell, Dion Stovell, Chris Douglas, Joshua Gilbert, Stefan Kelly, George O’Brien, Kyle Hodsoll, Greg Maybury, Malachai Jones, Justin Pitcher, Lateef TrottThis group of players are the best we have to offer. With a training squad of this calibre it will certainly bring about competition in training. If players look left and look right they will only see quality players who are all fighting for a spot. Not knowing that your spot is secure will force the players to train even harder, because they will realise that if they don’t someone will easily replace them.Quote of the week: I am a member of a team, and I rely on the team, I defer to it and sacrifice for it, because the team, not the individual, is the ultimate champion Mia Hamm