Police offer advice on how to avoid Christmas crime
Police have issued advice to residents to prevent crime at Christmas.The advisory relating to potential issues in the home and while out and about suggests:l lock doors and windows when leaving the house, even for a few minutes;l ask a neighbour or family member to watch the house and collect any deliveries while you're away;l don't leave gifts on display through windows or doors;l watch out for criminals posing as couriers or charity workers calling at your door always ask for ID and only donate to recognised charities;l keep doors locked and windows closed when you are away from the car;l don't leave purchases in the seat of the car, but lock them in the trunk; don't approach the car alone if suspicious people are standing by;l avoid carrying large amounts of cash while shopping; pay by cheque, credit or debit card where possible;l use well lit ATMs and shield the keypad when entering the PIN.