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Not enough being done to stop crime - Deputy Mayor

Hamilton Deputy Mayor Glen Smith yesterday expressed frustrations that the City isn’t doing more to deal with crime.He said he was seeing more and more “unsavoury characters” in the City early in the morning.“Countless times we have talked about getting City Rangers,” he said during a public meeting of the City of Hamilton. “Five weeks ago one of our major international business leaders said his major concern about Bermuda was security. We have to make some effort to follow through, to get something done.”Mayor Charles Gosling said: “I have no issue at all with what you’re saying, and we have offered various means for crime to be addressed.“But unfortunately, things can be run by saying ‘no’ and governments can exist through silence and ignoring issues.”He said the City was trying to work through “cooperation and coordination” with Government.Now was “not the time to vent frustrations as vigorously as you have done,” Mr Gosling added.Mr Smith responded that the City’s inaction was a disservice to the Island, particularly if poor security threatened international business.The Mayor said: “I’m insulted by that comment. Our first concerns should be for Bermudians, not just international business.“Given the huge change in Government, with so many ministries chopped and changed, there is still such a flux that we should have a certain amount of accommodation and recognition.”He added: “We are in early days yet and should be slightly more accommodating.”2010 Christmas lights ‘didn’t measure up’ Councillor tells City meetingChristmas lighting in Hamilton got poor marks during yesterday’s City meeting.Complaints had been made by residents, Deputy Mayor Glen Smith noted.And he suggested that the City turn on Christmas lights at the beginning of December to help retail sales.Common councillor Marshall Minors agreed.He said: “Perhaps over the next 11 months we can have a more comprehensive plan to light the city for Christmas. Every one of us has taken major hits from people saying it was noticeable this year wasn’t the same.”Mayor Charles Gosling said more Front Street businesses should have put out lights of their own.“A number of people have said the lack of lights hurt business, but why were their businesses dark?“Obviously, people were not happy and obviously changes need to be made. Whatever time we decide to be the official start of Christmas, that’s the time to have every single light up and lit. I noticed around December 15 lights were still being put up.”Mr Minors added: “I did go to see Front Street when the lights were completed and I didn’t think they measured up. I thought they were woefully inadequate.”He recommended the City take “professional advice” on next year’s decorations.