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Police hold three in connection with shooting

Three people are being held by police in connection with the fatal shooting of Colford Ferguson.Mr Ferguson, a 29-year-old construction worker, was killed in a daylight shooting at a house at the junction of Somerset Road and East Shore Road last Friday.A police spokesman said: “Five persons have been arrested in connection with the enquiry so far, with three persons remaining in custody. They have been arrested for conspiracy to murder and murder. No further details will be released at this time as the enquiry team continues to gather evidence and speak with witnesses.”Police are also looking to speak with anyone who may have seen a group of persons riding three motorcycles at speed East near the Port Royal fire station at around 2.10pm on February 4, and a man dressed in black or dark clothing who was seen standing in the bus layby opposite the scene of the shooting.This person reportedly dove behind a wall when the shooting took place.“There are still persons that will have seen something connected with this crime that have not yet been seen by the police,” the spokesman said. “We are asking if you saw anything or anyone suspicious, or indeed the incident itself, please make contact with the investigating team, of Crime Stoppers Bermuda.”The Police can be reached at 295-0011, while anonymous information can be given to the CrimeStoppers Bermuda hotline at 800-8477.lUseful Websites: www.bps.bm