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‘42’ and ‘MOB’ gang members seen earlier in the day

Photo by Glenn TuckerA police officer using a metal detector searches for evidence on Border Lane North after a man was fatally shot in the area on Thursday.

Residents said they knew “it was all going to kick off” after spotting members of 42 and MOB gangs together in the Friswells Lane, Pembroke area hours before the murder of Randy Robinson.Several residents have told The Royal Gazette the two gangs from different ends of the island are now working together to strengthen their numbers.They feared the worst when they saw members of 42 from northern Pembroke and Money Over Bitches from Somerset, Boaz, and Ireland Island South and North in Sandys parish driving around the area in a car on Thursday afternoon.Mr Robinson, 22, was murdered as he walked along Border Lane in Pembroke at 8.30pm. He was just around the corner from his home in Railway Terrace and had planned to go out for a lobster dinner later that night.Mr Robinson’s shooting was the third murder of 2011. Last year 29 people were shot, including seven men who were murdered. One woman who lives in the area said: “People round here knew something was going to happen.“42 and Somerset were driving around looking for their target. It was like: ‘what’s Somerset down town for?’“A blind man could have worked out what they were up to. We were dreading what was going to happen that night.”She added: “It’s not all about 42 and Parkside now, I’m fed up of hearing about that.“42 have joined forces with Somerset and they are even bigger trouble. The score’s still not even but this has all got to stop, enough’s enough.”Mr Robinson is not believed to have been a gang member, although he was friends with several 42 members having lived in the area all his life.Residents believe Mr Robinson was the “intended target” due to a long-running grudge 42 had against him.A murder trial recently heard evidence from police gang expert Sergeant Alexander Rollin that the 42 gang associated with the St Monica’s area has an alliance with the west end gang Money Over Bitches.He told the trial of Antonio Myers, who was convicted on Monday of shooting a 42 member dead: “I’m aware of an allegiance between the 42nd gang and the MOB gang.”Most nearby residents reported hearing about five gunshots in quick succession on Thursday night.. They rushed outside to see what had happened and saw Mr Robinson lying in the middle of the road in a pool of blood.One woman, who has two sons in their 20s, said: “I’ve heard gunshots before. I probably used to think it was firecrackers, but not anymore.“I went outside, there were police everywhere and his (Mr Robinson’s) mom was crying uncontrollably.“It was heartbreaking, I couldn’t watch any longer, I couldn’t bear to watch another mom going through that. I went inside and went to bed. But I could still hear the mom sobbing outside.”Another woman, who did not want to be named, said: “This guy was just walking back home ready to go to dinner. The next thing you know his mom is running up the hill screaming and crying.“What kind of sick person can kill another? It was such a heartless and senseless murder.”PLP MP Ashfield DeVent said: “The shootings that continue to take place are worrysome for this neighbourhood. But they are happening so regularly that people are sadly no longer as shocked as they once were.”