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'We need a new social contract in Bermuda' - Dunkley

Bermuda needs to create a better social contract by creating jobs through a strengthened economy and improved education system,Shadow National Security Minister Michael Dunkley said yesterday. Senator Dunkley said the only way to tackle gang culture is by opening the door to the alienated and disaffected.Both Sen Dunkley and Bermuda Democratic Alliance crime spokesman Mark Pettingill called for a change in Government, saying the Progressive Labour Party has shown it’s unable to get Bermuda back on track. They were reacting to a new survey from Mindmaps, which revealed crime is once again the top concern among residents.Fifty percent of people named crime as the leading issue facing the Island, up from 46 percent three months ago. The economy came second with 36 percent, with education next on four percent and housing on one percent.The poll was carried out between March 29 and April 8, around the time Randy Robinson became Bermuda’s tenth murder victim since January 2010; David Clarke became the 11th on Sunday.Sen Dunkley told The Royal Gazette: “Crime remains the number one issue because it is the tip of the iceberg the hard reflection of deeper problems damaging our society in profound ways and because we have failed to take decisive action against its spread.“The rise of gang culture and the spread of gun violence tells us that a lot of our fellow citizens don’t see a place for themselves in the society we have built. Whether by choice or circumstance, they have turned their backs on Bermuda.“They are deeply alienated. They see a society where the cards are stacked against them; where they do not see opportunity for self-fulfillment, where the cost of living never gives them a break; where the education system fails to prepare them. It is a society that leaves them with no sense of belonging.“Gang membership is their out, their refuge, and they will take it even if it means breaking the laws of Bermuda.“Few people today, at any level of society, think Bermuda is working well. We need a new social contract in Bermuda; one that opens the door to the alienated and disaffected.”Sen Dunkley said the new social contract needs to provide genuine opportunity for all.“This is no easy thing to achieve because it requires making Bermuda work better than it is,” he said.“It means growing the economy in a manner that creates decent jobs at all levels, it means an education system that provides students with the skills to step into jobs the economy offers. It means forming a Government that is openly and fully committed to fairness for all in all things.“Solving the crime problem is about solving Bermuda’s failures. It requires us to change the way we do things, the way we approach things.“We need to give change a chance and I believe this can only be started by a change of Government. The current Government has been in charge for more than a decade and in that time opportunity has diminished, gang membership has grown and shootings have become part of our way of life.“We are on the wrong path, and I do not believe the current government has any real sense of how to get us back on track.“It’s time for a change.”Mr Pettingill said of the poll results: “This is nothing new. It’s been a major concern for the Country for some time.“It should be the major concern for the Government but the facts are that is simply not the case. They have taken money away from fighting crime and put the system under more stress; they don’t take advantage of all the technology options that are open to them.“They are not making it their priority, even though it’s the priority for the rest of the Country.“In many countries in the world, a Government with that approach wouldn’t be able to stay in power.”New National Security Minister Wayne Perinchief has proposed a buy-back guns programme and gang legislation.But Mr Pettingill said: “They are trying to make it look like they are doing something because it’s an election year.“On this issue alone, this Government needs to go and let a new group come in and address it.”Racism, Independence and tourism received no votes in the poll, although other mentions included bad political choices, cost of living, dysfunctional families, drugs, “figuring out what people want from political parties”, godlessness, ignorance, lack of Bermudianisation, “keeping the people together”, seniors’ problems and Government.The poll of 402 people has a margin of error of 4.9 percent.Useful websites: www.ubp.bm, www.thealliance.bm.