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‘Huge fight’ breaks out between students at city bus terminal

Photo by Mark TatemA police officer makes his way through a group of students at the Hamilton Bus Terminal following a fight there yesterday afternoon.

Scores of school students were involved in a mass brawl at the bus station, which started with one boy swinging his backpack at another.Eyewitnesses reported the “huge fight” breaking out between mainly teenage boys from the Island’s senior schools as they waited for buses at about 4pm yesterday.One boy was seen shouting obscenities at another boy before swinging his schoolbag at him. Up to 20 of their school friends then joined in with eyewitnesses saying “everyone was piling into each other.”But as police arrived on the scene, the students stopped fighting and the two boys who are alleged to have started the trouble ran off. Officers were unable to catch them as they ran through the bus station and turned right onto Victoria Street.When The Royal Gazette arrived at the scene there were about 40 students standing around, refusing to move on. A couple of the students were in tears and were being comforted by friends.Most of the students hanging around were from The Berkeley Institute and CedarBridge Academy, but there were also some students from Dellwood, Mount St Agnes, Clearwater and Bermuda High School for Girls at the scene.One bus station employee said: “It started when one boy swung his bag at another, then others joined in. The two who started it ran off and the police weren’t able to catch them.”It took police about 45 minutes to disperse the large group of students from the bus station. Officers repeatedly said: “Move on, get on the bus, go home,” but the students answered back: “We’re not doing anything wrong.”There were about eight police officers on the scene with some of them seen to be using their stop and search powers.One young man, who was not in a school uniform, was arrested and taken to the police station in handcuffs for having what is believed to have been a controlled substance in his pocket.A spokesman for the Bermuda Police Service said last night it was too early for them to comment on what had happened.