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Police adopt tough line on misbehaviour over holiday

Armed officers will be on duty throughout the holiday weekend, with police adopting a zero tolerance approach to anti-social behaviour.As May 24 preparations get underway, Superintendent Martin Weekes told a press conference officers will be strategically positioned in areas parties are likely to take place.“There will be a large presence across the Island. It will all depend where the people are,” said Mr Weekes.“We will be working with our intelligence unit to tell us where they will be. You will be likely to see more police officers about all over the Island.“We will be taking zero tolerance to any anti-social behaviour. If you are going to do anti-social behaviour this weekend, we are going to arrest you and put you before the courts.”Mr Weekes also discouraged people from drunk driving, misbehaviour on the water and playing music too loud over the next few days, while urging motorists to take extra care on Tuesday, when races will take place on Bermuda’s roads.On road traffic, Mr Weekes said: “We are asking the public to exercise care, caution and courtesy while driving, especially when considering the high volume of collisions that seem to traditionally occur on holiday weekends.“Additionally, we encourage members of the public not to drive if they have consumed any quantity of alcohol; even if they think they are below the legal limit. This approach by the public will go a long way to reduce collisions and keep our roads safe for everyone.”On noise, he said: “Loud music complaints are also a problem associated with this holiday and we accept that the celebration of Bermuda Day brings with it a party atmosphere.“We ask two things of the public: patience and tolerance on the part of the complainants, along with a display of respect and courtesy on the part of the subjects. We encourage members of the communities that they live in to work together to keep the peace in the neighbourhood and avoid the involvement of the police.”He warned roads from Somerset to the City of Hamilton would be closed on Tuesday as a result of races and the parade, warning people to take particular care at Barnes Corner in the morning.“The cycles will be travelling at high speeds coming out of Somerset and even one vehicle pulling out onto the road at that time could have severe consequences and risk serious injury to the participants,” he said.“I ask the public to follow the directions given by police officers and marshals on the junctions and to avoid driving onto the routes from private driveways and side roads during the events.”He also declared an amnesty on police parking cones.“We are aware that in addition to those that are broken and no longer serviceable or thrown into hedges and behind trees following previous parades and races, a large number are in private hands being used by individuals and businesses to control parking on their roads or outside of their businesses,” he said.“As we need these cones urgently in order to properly control parking on May 24 I would like to appeal to the community to return these cones at this time.”Useful websites: www.bps.bm