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Warning given over hoax e-mail and bank webpage

Butterfield Bank last night warned of a circulating e-mail requesting account details from its customers.The e-mail thanks users for previously updating their account information.It then reads: “Our review of the information you provided however indicates that some of your personal information are incomplete.”The e-mail then warns that accounts with incomplete personal information could be denied banking services.A link on it connects to a page resembling the Butterfield Online site.However, the site’s date and time are frozen on February 26.Some links in the window connect to Butterfield sites. Most jump to the Dutch site BouwConnect the personal profile of a 24-year-old Netherlands man.A bank spokesperson said: “Butterfield reminds customers that the bank will never contact them via e-mail with requests for personal information, financial information or account details. Should customers receive e-mails (purporting to be from the bank) that request such information or direct them to click on a link to visit a website where they can enter such information, they should disregard and delete the e-mail; it is fraudulent.”Any customers who have responded to a fraudulent e-mail are advised to notify the bank on 295-1111.