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Shooting victim is still in KEMH

A young man remained in intensive care yesterday after being shot multiple times in a drive-by attack on Monday night.The 21-year-old was hit twice in the abdomen and once in the leg in what detectives are classifying as a gang-related attempted murder.Police held a press conference at the scene on Middle Road just east of Khyber Pass in Warwick, on Tuesday in the hope of jogging witnesses’ memories.However, a police spokesman said yesterday afternoon that no arrests have been made in connection with the shooting.The victim was riding West with a pillion passenger on his bike when two black-clad men drew alongside on a bike and opened fire. The pillion passenger was uninjured.The victim, whose name has not been made public by police, was in a stable condition yesterday, according to a hospital spokeswoman.Anyone with information that could help the investigation should call Acting Detective Inspector Jason Smith on 247-1218 or the anonymous Crimestoppers line on 800-8477.