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Police investigate robberies

A 21-year-old man was robbed of cash by two men in the Summit View Road area of Hamilton Parish in broad daylight on Friday.Police gave no details about the incident beyond saying it happened around 2.45pm, a quantity of cash was taken and the victim, from Hamilton Parish, was unhurt.Less than two hours later, at 4.20pm, a lone suspect tried to rob some fishermen in the Dock Hill, Devonshire, area but left empty-handed.No one was hurt.Police said the suspects in the Hamilton Parish robbery were two men on a dark coloured motorcycle wearing dark coloured clothing and dark coloured helmets.The suspect in the Dock Hill attempted robbery was male and wore a dark coloured helmet and dark coloured clothing.“Inquiries into these incidents are ongoing and detectives have not ruled out the possibility that they may be linked,” said a police spokesman.Anyone with information should call the main police number 295-0011 or the independent, confidential Crime Stoppers hotline on 800-8477.