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Police investigate two armed robberies

Police are investigating two armed robberies that took place yesterday.Two unknown men stole cash from a taxi driver in the first incident, which occurred near Lolly’s Lane in Smith’s, around 7.30pm.American tourists were robbed at their Southampton guest property about an hour later, according to police.Said a spokesman: “It appears that a taxi driver dropped off a fare in the area when he was accosted by two unknown men, one brandishing what appeared to be a firearm. The suspects stole a quantity of cash before making good their escape on a dark, red-coloured motorcycle. The taxi driver, a 34-year-old Devonshire man, was not injured.“Police are also investigating a reported robbery that occurred around 8.30pm on Monday, March 5 at a Southampton guest property. It appears that two unknown men gained entry into a residence on the property, one brandishing what appeared to be a firearm. The intruders stole a quantity of cash, a laptop computer and two mobile phones before making good their escape. The occupants of the cottage, American visitors to the island, were also uninjured.”Officers are now looking for two dark-skinned males, approximately 5ft 8in and of slim build, who are believed to have been involved in the Southampton robbery.One of the offenders was wearing a black, hooded jacket while the other was wearing a black jacket, the spokesman added.Two dark-skinned males are also believed to have been involved in the Smith’s robbery. Police today described them as between 5ft 9in and 5ft 11in. One is said to be of slim build and the other of medium build. Both were wearing black hooded jackets at the time.“Area searches were conducted following both incidents however the culprits were not located,” the spokesman added.“Inquiries are ongoing and detectives have not ruled out the possibility that the two incidents may be linked.”Anyone with information about either incident is asked to contact the Serious Crime Unit on 247-1185 or the independent, confidential Crime Stoppers hotline on 800-8477.