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Police release CCTV images of armed robbery

Police today released CCTV images of an armed robbery at Serpentine Liquors last week.

Images have been released of an armed robber who took cash at gunpoint from a liquor store.The helmeted gunman, whose face is hidden by a visor in CCTV images from Serpentine Liquors, may also have “a limp or be bow legged”, police said.The Pembroke store was robbed at 4.25pm on March 15. The gunman fled with another suspect driving the getaway motorcycle.Pictures show a man in a blue hooded coat and black helmet wielding a silver-coloured firearm. Anyone with information is asked to call police at 247-1739, or the private Crime Stoppers hotline, 800-8477.

Police today released CCTV images of an armed robbery at Serpentine Liquors last week.
Police today released CCTV images of an armed robbery at Serpentine Liquors last week.
Police today released CCTV images of an armed robbery at Serpentine Liquors last week.
Police today released CCTV images of an armed robbery at Serpentine Liquors last week.