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Windows in Seon Place shot out by gunmen

Windows at Seon Place were shot out by gunmen

The windows of one of Hamilton's flagship financial buildings were shot out in the early hours of this morning.Gunshots shattered two window panes at the ten storey Seon Place on the Reid Street extension at Spurling Hill. The owner of the building is former Premier Sir John Swan.Police spokesman Robin Simmons said: “At around 3.45 am on March 24, police responded to reports of gunshots on the Reid Street extension in the City of Hamilton. Forensic evidence collected at the scene and damage to a building in the area confirmed a firearm was discharged, however, no-one was injured.”He added: “We believe the suspects to be two individuals on a motorcycle.”Seon Place was completed in 2010. It was the city's first ten storey building and provides 107,000 square feet of rentable office space for hundreds of people overlooking Hamilton Harbour.Police were at the scene for approximately two hours. Mr Simmons could not say whether Sir John had been notified of the damage to his building as of 6am but said that would be done in due course.Another well-known figure, Wendell “Shine” Hayward, runs a music club some distance down the street from where the gunshots were fired. Mr Hayward stressed the incident had nothing to do with his premises, which were closed for the night at the time, having hosted a party earlier.He told The Royal Gazette he did not realise what happened until he saw police officers.“I came outside for some fresh air and asked what was going on,” he told The Royal Gazette. “I saw nothing and heard nothing. The police came in and an officer asked me if everything was OK.”Police spokesman Mr Simmons appealed for witnesses or anyone with information to call the Serious Crime Unit on 247-1739 or the Crimestoppers hotline on 800-8477.