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Knife-wielding thieves foil cannabis deal, court hears

A robbery victim described how a woman wielding "a sword-like object" attacked him along with two male accomplices.Kenneth Williams told Supreme Court he pulled one of the male robbers in front of the woman - alleged to be 20-year-old Zharrin Simmons - to use as a shield.According to prosecutors, Ms Simmons accidentally caught her accomplice Ezra Williams, 27, on the hand with her weapon as a result.Kenneth Williams 22, told the jury the first male robber had a knife in his right hand and tried to stab him as he attempted to wrestle the knife free.A second man - alleged to be Ezra Ararat, 25 - punched him and searched his pockets, stealing his BlackBerry cell phone.Then, he said, the woman arrived."She had a sword-like object. She was trying to hit me with it," Mr Williams told the court today. "I used the first guy - I pulled the first guy in the way so she would hit him."He described how the woman ran off as he fought the first robber for the knife.Kenneth Williams admitted that he and his friend Victoria Decoute, 17, were waiting to buy cannabis when they were robbed. He said they were in his car with the windows wound down on the night of August 27, 2011 when three robbers approached the car.He explained that Ms Decoute tried to help him while he was being attacked. According to prosecutors, Ms Simmons hit her and stole her gold jewellery before she escaped.Kenneth Williams suffered a deep wound to his right calf during the robbery. He told the jury it needed 25 staples and two stitches and he had to stay in hospital for three days. He also suffered cuts to his hand and arm while trying to grab the knife.Ms Decoute suffered cuts and bruises.Kenneth Williams told the court he recognised the three alleged robbers now on trial - Ezra Williams, his brother Ezra Ararat and Ms Simmons - and picked them out during an identification parade.The trio deny charges of robbery, and the case continues.