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Survey finds confidence in Police increasing

Wayne Perinchief, Minister of National Security

Public confidence in the police is increasing, according to the results of Government’s most recent Bermuda Omnibus Survey conducted last month.The results, released by the Ministry of National Security, show that satisfaction levels are “trending up” while dissatisfaction levels are “trending down”, a Ministry statement said.“Satisfaction levels with the work of the Bermuda Police Service remain high and continue to trend upwards.“The people of Bermuda know that the Police are working hard and have honestly shared their views as a part of this survey” said Minister Perinchief.The BPS began monitoring public satisfaction with its performance with the Bermuda Police Satisfaction Index in 2009.The BPSI captures levels of satisfaction reported by residents on a number of variables, including overall performance of the BPS, fair and equitable treatment of all citizens, and ability to solve crimes in a timely manner.Residents are also asked how well the BPS is doing in terms of prioritising emergency call responses based on the seriousness of the crime, and its investigation of crime and antisocial behaviour.The overall index measure in September was 61.1, roughly the same as in June when it was last calculated.Sixty three percent of residents indicated that they were satisfied with the police service, and 58 percent said they felt the BPS meted out fair and equitable treatment for all citizens regardless of age, race or income. The figures were consistent with the results in June.But the survey recorded a decrease — from 49 to 42 percent — in the proportion of those who were satisfied with the BPS’s ability to solve crimes in a timely manner.And it showed a nine point drop, from 65 to 56 percent, in the proportion of those who were satisfied with its investigation of serious crimes.A slight increase, from 48 percent to 53 percent was documented in satisfaction with the police’s investigations of antisocial behaviour.Minister Perinchief said: “There is always room for improvement and, in discussing these results with the Commissioner, I am satisfied that he with his senior command remain focused on the job at hand and the need to continue the trend of increasing public confidence through strong enforcement and sound investigations.“This Government will continue to support the Police and commend the public who have risen to the challenge of playing an effective part in crime prevention and investigation. These results confirm that the Police are on the right track.”