Move to expand Neighbourhood Watch programme in Hamilton Parish
The Hamilton Parish Council will join forces with neighbourhood watch groups to take their anti-crime message to a broader audience.The ‘Neighbourhood Watch Meeting’ will be held at the Crawl Church Hall on North Shore in Hamilton Parish on Thursday at 7pm.Presenters will be Police Chief Inspector Hashim Estwick and parish policemen on the Eastern Parish Community Action Team (CAT).Council member Laverne Richardson said the aim is to expand the programme in Hamilton Parish.“Neighbourhood Watch Groups are the ears and eyes of the neighbourhood who can check on homes and suspicious activities,” said Ms Richardson.She invited area residents interested in “safety and getting to know your neighbours” to come along “to learn how easy it is to set up a neighbourhood watch group in their neighbourhood”.“Our aim is to reach a broader audience to formulate plans on how to cut down on crime, particular house break-ins,” said Ms Richardson.“We are particularly concerned about burglaries in light of unemployment and crime in general.”