Dunkley: Steps to implement Operation Ceasefire underway
The fatal shooting of two men in a Pembroke store proved can impact all of us, according to Public Safety Minister Michael Dunkley.“It affects all of us. It effects businesses and it affects neighbourhoods and no matter how small we think our part in our Island life is, we can all make a difference,” Mr Dunkley said yesterday.“If you think you are removed from it, think again. It’s time for us to meet the violence with some real courage, and follow it up with some truth, because we know those individuals who are hurting our community.“Together, we can bring them back and correct them.”His comments came in response to the double murder of 25-year-old Ricco Furbert and 34-year-old Haile Outerbridge. Both men were fatally shot inside Belvin’s Variety on Happy Valley Road last week.“The pain of the loss is real and we must continue to keep the victim’s families in our thoughts and prayers,” Mr Dunkley said. “We must also remember that each incident reopens the wounds in the grieving process.“Our responsibility as a community is to help heal their heartbreak and to fill the void with our love and an outpouring of genuine comfort during these challenging times.”He praised the members of the religious community who have worked hard to bring the community together in the wake of the shootings, and said that government will be meeting with the ministers to see how Government can support their efforts.Mr Dunkley said that several anti-gang initiatives are being put together, including Operation Ceasefire.“Let me be clear,” Mr Dunkley said. “It will take some time to build the programme fully but I wish to inform the people of Bermuda that all elements that can be engaged immediately will be.“This includes gang mediation and faith-based initiatives in the community.”A spokeswoman for the Ministry said the implementation of Operation Ceasefire will not take the Street Safe programme off the table.“The aims and objectives of StreetSafe will be fulfilled within the remit of a Ceasefire programme,” the spokeswoman said.“The ambit of Ceasefire is wider and encompasses gang mediation efforts that are the hallmark of StreetSafe. Gang mediation efforts are a top priority and one of the initiatives to be immediately engaged.”Mr Dunkley also announced that a programme to provide incentives for getting guns off the streets will be implemented this Spring.Government will also implement an anti-gang programme in all levels of the school system in conjunction with the Ministry of Education.“The programme will seek to help students avoid gang membership, violence and delinquent behaviour, and teaches students how to resist gang pressure and develop positive attitudes to law enforcement,” Mr Dunkley said.“In addition, teachers and principals will be well equipped to recognise at-risk behaviour and make early interventions to prevent what has become the shocking exposure of younger and younger children to the gang lifestyle.”While he could not give a precise timeline for the project, he said it was a matter of urgency saying: “That’s where the rubber needs to meet the road.“These programmes have been proven to be very effective, getting into the schools and teaching the type of behaviour we expect. It will be much sooner than later.”Noting the police manhunt in Sandys Monday and yesterday, he said the effort shows the commitment of the Police Service in dealing with these issues. “Every tip they get, every lead they get, every feedback they get, they act on quickly and decisively and that’s important,” Mr Dunkley said.He said that the entire Island is being impacted by the recurring acts of gun violence, and we all must do our part in tackling the issue.“A difference in address, race or education does not absolve any of us in any way of the responsibility to fix this problem,” he said.“We can and must do all that we are able to prevent young people from falling into the spiral that lead to gun violence.”He urged those who are involved in the gang lifestyle and want to get out to reach out to their family, their church or their community leaders.And he again urged anyone with information about firearms incidents in Bermuda to contact the police, or the anonymous Crime Stoppers hotline at 800-8477.