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Most of us feel safe in our neighbourhoods

Public Safety Minister Michael Dunkley

A recent survey of Bermuda residents shows the majority feel safe in their own neighbourhood.Public Safety Minister Michael Dunkley released the results of the latest Bermuda Omnibus Survey in the House of Assembly yesterday.The survey, conducted between June 4 and 19 this year, polled 404 residents over the age of 18.“In June 2012, 91 percent of residents indicated that they felt extremely or mostly safe; in June 2013, that number had risen to 98 percent an increase of nine percent,” Mr Dunkley revealed.“Additionally, in June 2012, nine percent of respondents said they felt mostly or extremely unsafe while in June 2013 only two percent indicated they felt mostly unsafe and zero percent felt extremely unsafe.”He continued: “This does not mean that or crime problem is solved; it does not mean that we have eliminated the culture of gangs in the community and it by no means indicates that the work of the Bermuda Police Service in the fight against guns, gangs, drugs and violence is over.“These results indicate that we are on the right track and that we must continue to do what we have been doing in order to quell the violence and anti-social behaviour.”He said that the results were encouraging but “crimes against women and the feeling of vulnerability women experience must continue to be addressed so that safety becomes less dictated by gender”.The survey showed that “male residents are likely to report that they feel extremely safe compared to female residents”.The Minister concluded: “Our priority is to continue to live up to our promise of making Bermuda safer.”