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Pair on bike break curfew

Police will take a “hard line” with people caught in breach of the curfew, a senior officer warned today.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Martin Weekes was speaking after the pillion passenger on a motorcycle out after curfew was arrested last night.

He added the rider of the motorcycle ran away after he was pulled over and an investigation had been launched to trace him

A police spokesman said that the detained man was held at Hamilton Police Station and released after curfew and that he would appear in Magistrates’ Court at a later date.

The curfew, which will continue until Saturday, when it will be replaced by a 24 hour lockdown, bars most people from leaving their homes from 8pm to 6am.

But people who work in some sectors, including emergency services and some members of Government, were exempted.

The police spokesman said that anyone found in breach of curfew would be arrested and charged.

He added members of the public should carry valid photo ID with them.

Anyone in a group that has been exempted should also carry:

• Official identification to confirm that they work in an exempted category or

• A document from their employer to say they are in an exempted category or

• Documentation from the police that gives individual exemption

Applications for individual exemptions can be completed online at https://forms.gov.bm/covid19/curfew