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Former football manager named as stabbing victim

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Tragic loss: Amon Brown died on Tuesday night from a knife attack

A man who died after he was knifed outside a house was named yesterday as Amon Brown.

Police said Mr Brown, 52, died after an apparent stabbing about midnight on St Mary’s Road in the Cedar Hill area of Warwick.

A 26-year-old man was arrested in connection with the incident and he was still in police custody yesterday.

Mr Brown was a former player and manager of the Boulevard Community Club football team.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Antoine Daniels offered condolences to Mr Brown’s family, friends and colleagues.

He highlighted that the death was “not related to the series of incidents that have been going on recently in our community”.

Detective Sergeant Jason Smith said police, alerted by neighbours, arrived to discover Mr Brown lying bleeding in the road, and he was rushed to the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital by ambulance.

But Mr Brown was later pronounced dead by doctors.

Mr Smith said: “At the moment, the investigation is in its infant stage. However, it does not appear to be gang-related.”

He added police wanted to hear from householders in the area who were outside or heard what was going on at the house.

Mr Smith said people in the immediate vicinity were “critical” to the investigation.

Mr Daniels said it was too early in the investigation to say if the two men involved were related.

He added: “We just want to give the family some privacy and let them mourn.”

But Mr Daniels said a court appearance was expected “in the coming days”.

Anyone with information that could help the police inquiry should call 247-1739, or to contact Mr Smith direct at 717-0864.

Commissioner of Police Stephen Corbishley