Teen rider arrested after being involved in two collisions
A teenager has been arrested on suspicion of impaired driving and drug possession after being involved in two traffic collisions on Tuesday afternoon.
In the first collision, the suspect allegedly drove a motorcycle into the back of a car on Mullet Bay Road in St. George’s.
Although injured in the collision, the 18-year-old was able to continue his journey.
Shortly after, he slammed into the rear of a second car that had stopped at traffic lights on Harrington Sound Road. Once again, the rider fled the scene on his vehicle.
The man was eventually arrested at around 3.15pm after being stopped by police on Kindley Field Road.
A police spokesman said the man and his bike matched the description of the suspect involved in both accidents.
He was arrested on suspicion of driving while impaired and failed a subsequent breathalyser test.
The spokesman said: “Following an eventual search, the rider was found to be in possession of several individual bags of plant-like material several strips of white wax paper with dabs of a resin-like substance and a black digital scale.
“He was arrested for possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply and possession of drug equipment.
“He was then conveyed to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital where his injuries were attended to.”
The bike the suspect was riding was also seized after checks revealed it had previously been reported stolen.
A court appearance is anticipated in due course.
Anyone with information on these two collisions is asked to call 211 or the Roads Policing Unit on 247-1788.