Thieves targeting moored boats
Boat owners should be on the alert after a series of thefts from moored vessels, police warned yesterday.
The alert was sounded after a string of thefts from boats across the island – although Paget has been hardest hit.
A police spokeswoman said: “The public are asked to report any persons seen acting suspiciously around bays and in the vicinity of moored boats and report the sale of second hand marine equipment that appears to be of a suspicious nature.
“It should be noted that it is an offence to purchase stolen property.”
The spokeswoman added that the Paget, Red Hole and Foot of the Lane areas were hotspots for boat theft, although the problem was widespread.
Police said boat owners should remove valuables from their boats and secure removable items.
Punts should be secured with a good quality chain and padlock.
The spokeswoman said owners should also photograph their boats and equipment and record serial numbers and identifying marks to make recovery easier if a theft does happen.
Anyone with information on stolen boats or marine equipment should contact acting Sergeant Linnell Williams of the Bermuda Coastguard on 294 0610 or the police 211 number.
Anonymous tip-offs can be made through the Crime Stoppers hotline at 1-800-623-8477.