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Police investigate P-Tech burglary

Bermuda Police Service (File photo)

Police are investigating burglaries at two Hamilton businesses that took place early yesterday.

According to a police spokesman, it is believed that two men broke into P-Tech at the junction of Reid Street at Queen Street at about 1.40am.

The spokesman said: “Both suspects were said to be of slim build.

“However, one suspect was wearing light coloured pants, a dark coloured hooded jacket with the hood up, a baseball hat and dark coloured shoes with light coloured soles.

“The other suspect was believed to be wearing a green or grey hooded jacket with the hood up, dark coloured pants, light coloured shoes and a baseball hat.

“At this time, it is understood that the two P-Tech intruders made good their escape with a quantity of electronic items.”

He added that The Terrace on Front Street was also burgled at about 4.30am.

“It appears that a lone intruder wearing a helmet, dark coloured jacket and lighter coloured pants as well as a mask, gained entry into the premises,” the spokesman said.

“So far, it is unclear what was removed from The Terrace bar and restaurant.”

The spokesman said both scenes had been secured and forensically processed with CCTV footage being reviewed as part of the investigation.

He added that it is not known if the two burglaries are linked, but the possibility had not been ruled out.

Anyone with information is urged to contact Detective Sergeant Lennox Ince at 247-1222, 717-2304 or by e-mail at lince@bps.bm. They can also contact the Criminal Investigation Department at 247-1744 or speak to a BPS officer with whom they are familiar