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Commissioner condemns action of Pc guilty of a crime against a woman

Understanding: Darrin Simons, the Commissioner of Police (File photograph)

Darrin Simons, the Commissioner of Police, has condemned the actions of a constable who pleaded guilty to intruding on the privacy of a female.

Last week Pc Sean Simons admitted to a charge of intruding on the privacy of a female following an incident involving a colleague in June 2021.

Although suspended from duty in October 2021 after being arrested and charged, Simons remained on the police payroll for a further 13 months while the matter dragged through the courts – only to enter a guilty plea on the day his trial was scheduled to begin.

Despite his criminal record, Simons remains employed by the Bermuda Police Service – drawing anger from women’s rights advocates who called for his dismissal.

Today, the Commissioner said he appreciated those concerns, but insisted that the “natural justice process” had to be followed.

He said: “The Bermuda Police Service welcomes and appreciates the concerns expressed by advocates, in relation to an article in today’s edition of the daily newspaper, regarding the outcome of a recent court matter involving Police Constable Simons.

“The BPS does not condone the actions to which he pleaded guilty and that has understandably led to disquiet among the community. It never should have happened.

“We condemn the actions of that officer in the strongest possible terms, particularly as it undermines our continued efforts to strengthen the critical relationship between the community and the police.

“However, natural justice processes must be followed in determining the final disposition of the officer. We therefore ask for the public to be patient as the process takes place.

“Failure on the part of the BPS to follow principles of natural justice in our decision-making may result in legal and or financial repercussions.

“I wish to once again state, the BPS welcomes feedback and views from advocacy groups representing any sector of the community. This provides opportunity for discussion and understanding for all.”