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Government gives notice of sex offender’s release

To be released: Neville Craig Richardson robbed a woman and sexually assaulted a woman in 2013 (Photograph supplied)

A man convicted of raping a woman and threatening her with a knife is set to be released from custody, according to a government notice.

The notice, released by the Ministry of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Reform, stated that Neville Craig Richardson, 54, will be set free today.

“Pursuant to section 329H of the Criminal Code 1907, the Minister of Legal Affairs is empowered to disclose information in relation to sex offenders who are considered to present a risk of significant harm to the health or safety of the public, an affected group of people or an individual,” the notice said.

“In accordance with this power, the minister, after consulting with the Commissioner of Police has determined that the public should be notified of the impending release of the sex offender.”

The notice listed the defendant’s address as unknown. In 2013, Richardson was sentenced to 15 years behind bars after he admitted aggravated burglary, aggravated sexual assault and robbery.

The Supreme Court heard that his victim, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was asleep in her home when she was woken up by someone knocking on the door and calling her name asking for help.

She opened the door to the man, who she knew, and he asked for the phone before he pulled out a knife and sexually assaulted her.

Richardson then demanded money from the victim and forced her to an ATM and had her withdraw $400.

He was linked to the offence by the victim, who identified him in an identification parade, and DNA.

When charged, Richardson told police he was sorry, adding that the attack had been “because of my drug use”.

Richardson pleaded guilty to the offences just before his trial could begin and was subsequently sentenced to six years for burglary and nine for aggravated sexual assault, with the sentences running consecutively.

He was also sentenced to five years for robbery, with that sentence running concurrently to the others.