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Man banned from road after refusing taxi and drink-driving

A Southampton man caught drink-driving after he refused to take a taxi has been fined and banned from the roads.

Leonard Wade, 32, was caught riding his motorcycle while over the legal limit by police on patrol at Ice Queen restaurant in Paget on October 21.

Officers saw a man helping another man who was lying on the ground. The two men then attempted to mount their motorcycles but fell over, Magistrates’ Court heard.

One officer told the men to catch a cab home and went as far to call them a taxi.

However, Wade told police “no taxi”. He started his bike and rode about 10 metres to the ATM in the restaurant car park.

At this point, the officer arrested Wade and transported him to Hamilton Police Station.

The test showed that Wade had 163.7 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood. The legal limit for driving in Bermuda is 80mg/100ml.

Magistrate Maria Sofianos fined him $1,500 and banned him from driving all vehicles for 18 months.