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Bermudian trio jailed following kidnapping in UK

Guilty: Zarie Jackson-Burchall has been jailed for more than six years for his part in the kidnapping of a man in the UK (Photograph supplied)

Three people, believed to be Bermudians, have been jailed for a combined total of 16 years in England after a kidnapping that left their victim in fear of his life.

Zarie Jackson-Burchall, 27, was sentenced to six years and eight months behind bars after being found guilty of kidnap and false imprisonment, following a trial at Bradford Crown Court in the North of England last week.

His accomplice Shanikae Smith-Gardener, 29, was jailed for five years after being found guilty of the same charges.

A third defendant, Jahrico Smith-Gardener, 25, also received a five-year jail term after pleading guilty to counts of blackmail, kidnap and false imprisonment.

Two further suspects ‒ both women ‒ were cleared of any charges during the trial.

The kidnapping took place in Bradford on August 12, 2022.

Members of the public raised the alarm and contacted police after seeing a man being chased down a street in the town while being assaulted.

Officers from West Yorkshire Police arrived at the scene and learnt that the victim had been forced into a car and taken to a nearby property where he was held “against his will”.

A spokeswoman for West Yorkshire Police said: “Officers were able to locate the suspects and armed officers entered the address and safeguarded the victim and made several arrests.”

The spokeswoman added that the victim had suffered “minor injuries” in the attack.

Intelligence also revealed that the suspects had made calls to the victim’s family, demanding a ransom for his release.

The Bermudian trio were jailed at a hearing last Friday.

The sentences were welcomed by lead investigator Detective Chief Inspector Sam Freeman, who said the victim had gone through “a lengthy ordeal”.

Mr Freeman added: “This was a serious offence and these three offenders put the victim in fear for his life. Luckily he only suffered minor injuries.

“I hope this sentence goes some way into giving the victim some closure and justice.”

The West Yorkshire Police spokeswoman later told The Royal Gazette that she believed all three defendants were originally from Bermuda.

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